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Himalayan Quartz


Himalayan Quartz crystals form in clear, smoky and golden colors.


Himalayan Quartz crystals have a beautiful pure energy and vibration.

They help one keep calm under pressure and serene through the storms encountered in life. This Quartz variety offers us an extremely high vibration to work with and can elevate our consciousness to newer heights.

They are great crystals to use in meditation. Having Himalayan quartz clusters in our home or meditation spaces creates a blissful and unhurried peace.

Himalayan Quartz crystals help keeping a positive mindset and attitude and shield us from negativity, so they are also great for protection purposes.



Himalayan Quartz is almost always gathered by hand due to impossible inaccessibility for machinery and heavy tools. Then they are carried back to civilization by the miners with the help of animals, like mules, for days. This hard hand-made process combined with its stunning beauty and incredibly high energy frequency, makes Himalayan Quartz one of the most sought-after crystals today.

* This text is just an excerpt of the full potential of crystals regarding the characteristics described above. I advise everyone to do your own research and read more about these characteristics and above all to work with crystals that have these characteristics, to understand and feel how they can help with the transformations you want in your lives.

 In the "Information" section, there are the references I used to describe these characteristics, which you can use for your own research.

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