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Dow Quartz Crystal



Dow Quartz Crystals are named after crystal book author JaneAnn Dow. These crystals have three 7 sided termination faces, along with three opposing 3 sided termination faces. They are also called Trans-Channeling crystals.


A Trans-Channeling crystal combines the channeling and the transmitter crystal properties.. This is said to be a highly creative crystal, which is dedicated to the service of humankind and which can access the highest personal and collective wisdom, bringing intuitive awareness into any situation.


Dow Quartz Crystal also provide balance and inspiration to many circumstances and scenarios. They are very effective crystals to use for deep meditative work. Using them requires strong focus, and defined conscious intent. Being very specific with your questions will ensure you get a very specific answer/response. Accuracy is key when using these crystals.

Dow Quartz Crystal are considered “completion” crystals. People who are in their final lifetime on Earth will find themselves attracted to these crystals. Everything from all past lives including this one is pulled in for processing.

  * This text is just an excerpt of the full potential of crystals regarding the characteristics described above. I advise everyone to do your own research and read more about these characteristics and above all to work with crystals that have these characteristics, to understand and feel how they can help with the transformations you want in your lives.

 In the "Information" section, there are the references I used to describe these characteristics, which you can use for your own research.

Quartzo Dow ou Trans-Canalizador
Quartzo Dow ou Trans-Canalizador
Quartzo Dow ou Trans-Canalizador
Quartzo Dow ou Trans-Canalizador
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