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Self Healed Quartz Crystal


Self Healed Quartz crystals are crystals that have been damaged and repaired themselves.


These are crystals that during their growth cycle – have been broken off from their matrix. They self healed their bottoms in either crystalline form, or they develop etched bottoms. Both are easy to recognize as clearly the bottom of the crystal does not have a snapped or clean broken look about them.


As the name would suggest, Self Healed Quartz Crystals assist us in the art of self healing! Meditate with one and the crystal will share the journey it took to healing itself, and will share this information with you on spiritual, emotional and physical cellular/crystalline levels. This shared knowledge and experience brings about vastly accelerated levels of healing and regeneration within the self.


Self Healed Quartz Crystals are reasonably rare, but not completely unobtainable, one just needs to either manifest one, or exercise a reasonable amount of patience when searching for them. They are an invaluable master healing tool in any energy worker’s kit bag!

 * This text is just an excerpt of the full potential of crystals regarding the characteristics described above. I advise everyone to do your own research and read more about these characteristics and above all to work with crystals that have these characteristics, to understand and feel how they can help with the transformations you want in your lives. In the "Information" section, there are the references I used to describe these characteristics, which you can use for your own research.

Quartzo Auto-Curado
Quartzo Auto-Curado
Quartzo Auto-Curado
Quartzo Auto-Curado
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